Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Time.com's First Annual Blog Index

Time.com has published an Index of The Top 25 Blogs. I found a lot of blogs there that I had never heard of, and which I have now subscribed to. If you have as much time on your hands as I do, have a look.

But this being Time, the Index of The Top 25 Blogs does not have an index! You must click through 25 pages (each page carrying a writeup on one blog). Fortunately, the good folks at Valleywag.com (inexplicably left out of this list) have compiled a one page version which you can read here. Vallewag's article is very appropriately tagged "Blogging for Dollars", since at least here, Time.com, is guilty of a 'crass campaign to generate more pageviews'. As Fark.com's Drew Curtis, quoted in the same Valleywag article, eloquently puts it, "That's the point — pick shit people don't agree with, generate controversy, SPREAD THE FUCKING THING OVER 50 PAGES WITH NO INDEX, profit."

Or maybe, Time thinks that their readers miss the experience of turning pages in a magazine, so they gave them "Next" buttons? Naah...

If you still want to read the original article, it's here.

But of course, at the Valleywag page, you cannot tell what each blog in the list is about. If you were reading the list in a magazine, that would be a problem. But if, like me, you are reading it on the internet, and you have a decent browser like Firefox, you could right click each name, open each blog in a new tab, and see for yourself what the fuss is about.

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